Auto locking feature allow the tap adapters to be removed safely Blow mold carrying case with tilted tap holders for easy access and storage Set includes 2 ratcheting T handles, 3 sizes of tap adapters and 2 sizes of die adapter, 2 extension adapters and a sliding T for the adapters, a 4mm hex key, 5 screw extractors, SAE and metric thread gauges, and 48 taps and dies in SAE and metric sizes ranging from 4 40 to 3/4” and 3mm to 18mm
Twist lock guide system reduces the “walk back” of the die guide and keeps the dies centered while cutting
Drive extension adapters provide greater access in confined areas when used with 3/8inch Drive Extensions
Die adapters work with the 3/8inch Drive pass thru ratchet and socket system as well as socket accessories
The ratcheting T wrench is compatible with the GEARWRENCH pass thru socket system.
Ratcheting T handles wind Dies with a 5° swing arc and have a reversing lever to eliminate hand over hand turning